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Cocaine is an alkaloid extracted from the leaves of the coca plant and abused as a stimulant. It has high abuse potential, thus being classified as a Schedule II controlled substance. When users abuse cocaine for a long time, they become addicted; abrupt discontinuation possesses the risk of severe withdrawal symptoms.
Detoxification is the mainstay to treat cocaine addicts. It is a gradual tapering off of the drug dose over a period of time that reduces the severity of the withdrawal symptoms and aids the users to cope. The traditional detoxification approach is both slow and causes uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. As a result, the experts have devised a quick and more comfortable procedure: Ultra-rapid and rapid cocaine detoxification.
The article will explore the rapid and ultra-rapid cocaine detoxification process, its indication, contraindication, and a lot more.

What is Cocaine Detoxification
Cocaine detoxification is a medically supervised technique to eliminate the entire drug from the body and wean the user off the powerful effects. Traditional cocaine detoxification involves a gradual reduction of the dose over a period of time to reduce the intensity of its withdrawal effects and helps aid the user's coping mechanism. The traditional cocaine detox method is slow; thus, clinicians devised a faster approach known as ultra-rapid and rapid detoxification. This allows a faster recovery with little or no withdrawal symptoms.
Cocaine Detox Protocol
Cocaine detoxification follows an evidence-based protocol that lessens the fear of users who undergo detox. This leads to outcomes that improve their quality of life and allow the body to heal.
The detoxification begins with a diagnostic procedure to assess the extent of addiction and determine if the patient is a good candidate for the procedure. During and after the detoxification, patients may be prescribed other drugs to manage the withdrawal symptoms.
Indications for the Procedure
It is indicated for an addict who experiences severe psychological and physical symptoms when they attempt to stop using cocaine.
There are no contraindications to the procedure. The patient may have a reaction to some of the drugs used for detoxification. In such cases, alternative medications are used. If the patient is in a critical state, they must first be stabilized before going through detox.
Rapid and Ultra-rapid Cocaine Detoxification Techniques
Rapid and ultra-rapid cocaine detoxifications follow a similar approach. The major differences are the speed of the detoxification process and the use of general anesthesia in ultra-rapid detoxification.
During rapid detoxification, patients are given an antagonist of drugs as an intravenous infusion over 6-8 days. By the end of the treatment, patients are free of the drug with little or no withdrawal symptoms. The ultra-rapid process is similar but faster; patients are rendered unconscious with generalized anesthesia. Ultra-rapid is the fastest way to detox cocaine.
Cocaine Detox Process
Crack cocaine detoxification facilities starts with a diagnostic procedure to assess the physical and psychological state of the patients and determine their suitability for the procedure. Unlike the treatment modality for other drugs of abuse, crack cocaine isn’t tapered down during detox.
There is no medication currently approved for cocaine withdrawal or treatment, but there are certain medications that are used during medical detox to manage cocaine withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia. Examples of medications for the management of cocaine withdrawal symptoms are:
Symptoms of stimulant withdrawal can be mitigated by rest, exercise, and a healthy diet. Patients that suffer persistent depression as withdrawal symptoms may benefit from antidepressant treatment and psychiatric intervention. There is a high risk of relapse in cocaine addicts, but cognitive-behavioral therapy, contingency management, and relapse prevention techniques can help.
Preparing the Patient for Cocaine Detoxification
After diagnosis, the patient is prepared for the procedure. This is done by counseling them on the procedure and performing tests to ensure their fitness for the procedure.
Is it Safe to Detox at Home
It is detrimental to do detox without expert supervision — do not try detox at home. Many detoxification symptoms may be severe and need expert intervention to manage.
Cocaine Detox Time
Cocaine detoxification time varies from patient to patient depending on the severity of the addiction, typically averaging two weeks. The longer the users have been dependent on the drug, the higher the risk of tolerance, thus the higher the dose the users consume. Users that consume a high dose of cocaine over a long period of time are more difficult to treat and need a longer time for the detox process.
Cocaine Detoxification Symptoms
During detoxification procedure, patients may experience cocaine detox symptoms such as:
Benefits of Rapid Cocaine Detox
The benefits make rapid cocaine detox stand out:
Addiction Treatment After the Detox Process
The detoxification process is just one stage in the treatment of addiction. For a complete treatment, there must be a post-treatment follow-up to help the patients stay off the drug. Among the post-addiction treatment, strategies include staying in a rehab facility, counseling sessions, support group meetings, and other support interventions.
The therapist may prescribe medication for the management of post-detox withdrawal symptoms. There will be a series of post-treatment and support follow-up visits. The visit is to give the patients the necessary support to help their commitment to a drug-free life.
The Cost of a Cocaine Detox
Cocaine detox costs depend on the extent and severity of the addiction. The cost is typically around 2,700 €.
At VipVorobjev Clinic, we have highly trained and experienced addiction treatment specialists with a proven record of hundreds of users who have been saved from the tormenting effect of drugs.
Patents and Certificates
The best cocaine detox service at VipVorobjev Cocaine detox center makes it stand out among other facilities. We are DAACC (Drug, Alcohol & Addiction Counselor Certification) certified and registered addiction specialists to help you break the cycle of substance abuse and begin a new life.