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Xenon Inhalation Therapy in Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Treatment

As technology develops, various alcoholism and drug treatments are invented. One of the more effective recent treatments is xenon therapy. This therapy helps the patient quickly recover and escape the abuse and addiction cycle safely.

Along with other alcohol and drug treatments such as detoxification, inpatient and outpatient, xenon therapy does an amazing job of quickly showing positive results via helping the brain to deal with substance addiction issues safely.

The therapy is approved to effectively fight the addiction via reducing the psychological and physical dependence on alcohol and drugs. Your body and brain are returned to normal within a short time. Professional therapist/doctor should only carry out this procedure to avoid death risks. Learn everything about xenon therapy in the below guide to understand how worthy it is.

Xenon Inhalation

What is Xenon Therapy

Xenon therapy is a method used to treat cardiological and neurological diseases, along with drug and alcoholism addiction. The therapy possesses unique anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that can fight alcoholism withdrawal symptoms.

Xenon is used as a gas inhalation, and its effects last up to a whole day. In addition, the experts recommended at least three doctor supervised xenon procedures to achieve a lasting and stable effect.

Healing Properties of Xenon β€” Xenon Against Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

Xenon inhalation has anti-anxiety, mind-improving, antioxidant, and antidepressant effects. Due to these effects, xenon gas therapy can treat chronic fatigue, stress, mild cognitive impairment syndrome, and depression caused by alcohol and drug abuse. A special aspect of this treatment is the reduction of cravings for drugs and alcohol, as well as the decrease of withdrawal symptoms. These effects make xenon treatment extremely useful in complex treatment of addictions.

Indications for Xenon Therapy

Treatment of drug addiction, smoking, or alcoholism
Depressive conditions
Migraines, headaches
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic stress
Rehabilitation after a heart attack, stroke, or traumatic brain injury

How is Xenon Therapy Administered

The beginning of this procedure starts with a conversation with a professional therapist who can perfectly answer all the patient's questions and help the patient receive the maximum effect.

Xenon therapy is carried out using a stationary anesthetic-respiratory apparatus. The procedure should take place in a conducive environment that favors the patient's relaxation. During the inhalation process, the patients feel mental and physical comfort, positive emotions, tranquility, and peace.

The xenon inhalation sensation is like a "healing dream”; however, the patient does not fully fall asleep; instead, he or she is immersed in a state of relaxation and rest, along with the feeling of bliss and lightness. Immediately after xenon therapy, the patient may note a feeling of mood lift, lightness, and an increase in working ability.

Duration of the Procedure

Each session takes between 15-40 minutes. The effect of a single session is intended to last for five days. For individuals with severe effects, xenon inhalation therapy may be carried out up to two times a day. The doctor recommends an average of 3-10 procedures based on the amount of substances in the body.

How to Prepare Before Xenon Therapy

The doctor should first conduct a physical examination of the patient. After the exam, the specialist will choose the volume and concentration of xenon gas depending on the individual parameters of the patient's age, gender, depth of the addiction, general conditions, and withdrawal symptoms. To maximize the effects of this therapy, the patient is recommended to follow the below:

Not eating two hours before the procedure.
Not taking any drugs or alcohol before the process.
Avoiding any kind of drinks one hour before xenon inhalation.
Avoiding being in direct sunlight during the day of the xenon procedure.

When preparing for the xenon procedure, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations. The recommendations will vary based on each individual drug and alcohol diagnosis and your health status.

The Effects of Xenon Therapy on the Body

The process has a beneficial effect on the user's blood circulation. This is expressed in blood flow centralization and improved microcirculation. This tends to open great opportunities for its ability to treat circulatory disorders. The solubility of xenon gas in the body lipids reduces stress hormone activity, giving positive results in conquering stress syndrome diseases.

Positive Effect of Xenon Therapy: What Results Can be Achieved in the Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

During xenon therapy, xenon gas is inhaled and reaches the patient's brain within minutes. Xenon manipulates the chemical balance in the brain, fighting the substance addiction withdrawal symptoms and boosting overall health. Below are the positive effects:

Stabilizes the blood circulation
Reduces the toxic effects of drugs
Lessens the pain and discomfort that withdrawal symptoms may have caused
Improves mood and sobriety
Stops the panic attacks caused by drug addiction
Improves function of the brain and provides an emotional lift

The Benefits of Xenon Therapy in the Addiction Detox

Increases performance and concentration
Improves mood
Quickens up the detox process
Reduces the level of anxiety, chronic fatigue, depression, irritability
Restores your regular sleep routine
Relieves pain, headaches, and stress caused by addiction detox to improve quality of life
Increases the effectiveness of treatment in general, preventing breakdowns

Patents and Certificates

We believe you will get well. We are Certified, Registered (DAACC) Alcohol, Drug and Addiction Counselor Certification) specialists. Our addictions MDs, PhDs, and master's level specialists coordinate necessary care at every stage to help you break drug abuse addiction to start a new and normal life.

Prices of Xenon Therapy

The cost of one xenon inhalation at the VIP Vorobjev Clinic is 300 €. The minimum number of sessions is five. The attending physician will recommend the required number and frequency of procedures.


Meet the team at our rehab center:

Milos Pejovic β€” Occupational Therapist
Igor Skoruta β€” Reanimatologist and Anesthesiologist
Nikola Senic β€” General Medicine
Neva Pocuca β€” Clinical Psychologist
Ivana Matovic β€” Psychologist


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