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Vivitrol Implants in the Treatment of Alcoholism

What Are Vivitrol Implants and How Do They Work

Vivitrol is the brand name of the drug naltrexone. Vivitrol is a longer-acting form of naltrexone that is used in the treatment of alcohol or opioid addiction. Vivitrol implants are inserted into the abdomen of the patient under the skin in strict septic conditions; these implants slowly release naltrexone over a period of 3 to 6 months. A six month Vivitrol implant is typically used to reduce cravings from alcohol use, binge drinking, or heavy drinking. Naltrexone binds to the brain’s pleasure receptors that are activated with alcohol drinking and block its effect, thus reducing the urge to drink alcohol over a six-month period.

Vivitrol Implants

Indications for Vivitrol Implant Placement

Vivitrol is an antagonist of opioid receptors in the brain. It is an FDA-approved drug for alcohol and opioid addiction. Some of the indications for Vivitrol implants are listed below:

Long-term alcohol addiction disorders
Opioid dependence and addiction disorders
For treating cholestatic pruritus
For obesity in combination with bupropion
For polydrug treatment problems such as alcohol, heroin, methamphetamine, and opioids addictions

Vivitrol Implant Side Effects

Like any other drug, Vivitrol can cause adverse effects. Some of the Vivitrol implant side effects are:

Physical Symptoms

Increase in blood pressure
Abdominal cramps
Gastrointestinal irritation
Skin infections at the site of implant
Muscle pain
Joint pain
Delayed ejaculation
Increased thirst
Skin rashes

Psychological Symptoms

Low mood
Sleeping problems

Behavioral Symptoms

Loss of appetite
Suicidal behavior (very rare)

Risks Associated With Vivitrol Implants

Vivitrol implants are relatively safe to use, but information shows some risks are associated with them:

Implant site infection
Allergic reaction
Blood clot formation
Tenderness at the site
Itchiness and irritation
Abscess formation
Opioid withdrawal symptoms can occur if Vivitrol implants are used within 14 days of opioid medications
Damaging the liver and kidneys

Preparing for the Vivitrol Implantation Procedure

Vivitrol implantation is a simple surgical procedure. The patient should be informed about the procedure first.

How Are Vivitrol Implants Administered

The methods of insertion of Vivitrol are simple. The following steps should be followed during the administration of the Vivitrol implants:

1. Patient consent is taken for the surgery.

2. Patient’s abdomen area is exposed.

3. Local anesthesia is given on the site of the incision.

4. A little incision is given on the belt area of the patient.

5. The Vivitrol implant is administered subcutaneously.

6. One or two sutures are used to close the incision.

7. Wound is covered with a dressing.

8. Follow-up instructions are explained to the patient.

Vivitrol Implant β€” How Can It Help You

Vivitrol implants can significantly reduce the craving for alcohol, which allows you to reduce the urge to drink and overcome addiction.

Vivitrol and Alcohol Use Disorder

Vivitrol works by blocking opioid receptors in the brain. Opioid receptors are used by alcohol to provide pleasurable feelings. The result of blocking these opioid receptors is that those feelings are no longer felt; this leads to abstinence from alcohol.

Effectiveness of Addiction Treatment With Vivitrol Implant

Vivitrol implants are used for alcohol and opioid addiction worldwide. A Vivitrol implant is not the cure for alcohol addiction but it helps in the treatment of alcohol addiction; the results are good. The effectiveness of the addiction treatment with Vivitrol implants depends upon the following factors:

Correct Vivitrol implant method
Follow-up of the patient
Personal will of the patient to reduce alcohol usage
If Vivitrol is used alone, the effectiveness is around 30%. If used with other therapies, the effectiveness rises to 50-70%.

Vivitrol Implant Removal

Vivitrol implant removal is the same procedure as implantation. The following steps are taken in the removal of the Vivitrol implant:

1. A sample of patient consent is taken for the surgery.

2. Patient’s abdomen area is exposed.

3. Local anesthesia is given on the site of the incision.

4. A little incision is given on the belt area of the patient where the implant was implanted previously.

5. The Vivitrol implant is removed from subcutaneous tissue carefully to incise any adhesions.

6. One or two sutures are used to close the incision.

7. Wound is covered with a dressing.

8. Follow-up instructions is explained to the patient.

Does the FDA Approve Vivitrol Implantation

Yes, the Vivitrol implant is FDA-approved. Vivitrol is the brand name of the drug naltrexone. In 1984, naltrexone was approved by the FDA for opioid addiction. In 1994, naltrexone was approved by FDA for alcohol addiction and the Vivitrol implant was officially approved by FDA in 2010. The process is simple and users can administer it whenever needed.

The Cost of Vivitrol Implantation

The cost of Vivitrol implantation depends on the length of the treatment, typically costing around 300-1000 €.


VipVorobjev Clinic has the best Vivitrol doctors for the treatment of alcohol addiction using Vivitrol implantation. Doctors and clinicians include:

Intensive care physicians
Occupational therapists

Patents and Certificates

VipVorobjev Clinic is a DAACC (Drug, Alcohol and Addiction Counselor Certification) accredited facility that will give you the most effective care to aid in breaking the vicious cycle of alcohol addiction with a Vivitrol implant. VipVorobjev has the best facilities and well-known addiction specialists.


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