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Ecstasy Addiction Treatment and Rehab Clinic

MDMA (short for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is the common name for the drug Ecstasy. It's also known as Molly, short for "molecular," because it comes in the form of a fine powder in a small capsule that may be swallowed. This synthetic substance contains stimulant and psychedelic effects, causing bursts of energy, euphoria, happiness, sensations of warmth, and sensory perception abnormalities. Ecstasy is a Schedule I substance and is illegal.

Ecstasy is known by a variety of street names, including X, Molly, XTC, and others. Read more to understand key details on ecstasy addiction abuse and treatment.

How To Deal With Co-Addiction

Side Effects From Ecstasy Use

The following are some of the most common mental and physical symptoms of ecstasy:

Feelings of excitement, tranquillity, or peace
Increased sensitivity
A strong sensation of well-being (also called euphoria)
High physical and mental stamina
Elevated closeness and sociability

With all the pleasant early side effects, it's easy to see how this drug became so popular in the 1970s. However, as more scientists have studied ecstasy and as more people have direct experience with the substance, undesirable and even dangerous side effects have become apparent. These are some of them:

Double eyesight or hazy vision
The lack of full control of physical movements (also called ataxia)
Perceptional shifts
Dry mouth
Mild intoxication
Tension in the muscles

Symptoms and Signs Of Ecstasy Use

Curious about ecstasy signs of use? Negative side effects of drug usage might occur while the person is still euphoric or after they have descended from their high. The following are some of the most prevalent negative effects:

Impaired decision-making
Sleeping problems
Tension in the muscles
Blurred vision
Grinding or clenching of the teeth

Consequences Of Using Ecstasy

Taking this drug has both immediate and long-term consequences. In the short term, scientific information shows that the medicine may cause injury by increasing heart rate and causing cardiovascular difficulties, particularly in patients who already have a heart ailment. Ecstasy raises body temperature, which can harm the kidneys and liver, according to Anglia Ruskin University experts. Furthermore, ecstasy users are prone to dehydration, leading to a slew of other problems.

Ecstasy users also face a genuine risk of overdosing. Overdosing happens when a person consumes more drugs than their body can handle at once.

Ecstasy use lowered serotonin levels in the brain after it wore off, according to research from the University of Liverpool. Other research backs up these findings, with one revealing that lower serotonin levels might last up to seven years after taking the medicine.

Ecstasy Treatment Options

When someone stops using the drug, they will suffer several unpleasant side effects. The most effective treatment is beneficial in maintaining abstinence from the substance, avoiding drug replacement, and improving the user's mental health, which is likely to be affected by depression and anxiety. Let’s see more about the ecstasy rehab process.

Medication-Assisted Treatment For Ecstasy Addiction

Curious about medications used for ecstasy rehab? Even though no prescription has been licensed particularly for detox, many recovery experts prescribe antidepressants to deal with the inevitable melancholy sensations that develop.

In ecstasy treatment programs, medication management can be beneficial since drug usage might disturb the neurotransmitter serotonin. When it comes to methods, many drugs work by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain. SNRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are two types of drugs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors).

Behavioral Therapy Treatment For Ecstasy Addiction

The best treatment for mental health issues is successful in addressing the causes that lead to usage as well as the long-term mental health effects of withdrawal.

Some persons are said to initially use sample drugs as a kind of self-medication and then develop a full-fledged addiction that helps aggravate or temporarily conceal an existing mental health condition. Therapy can assist in meeting these demands more healthily.

Inpatient Treatment Vs. Outpatient Treatment For Ecstasy Addiction

After detox, there are a variety of treatment alternatives for remaining off the drug, including outpatient, inpatient, and counseling. Contact our treatment provider if you or someone you care about is suffering from ecstasy addiction.

Inpatient Ecstasy Treatment

Some addictions are severe enough to require treatment in ecstasy rehabilitation centers. Our clinic has a high success rate because it allows people to concentrate only on their rehabilitation without the distractions and responsibilities of everyday life.

Our inpatient ecstasy treatment program can last anything from 30 days to six months or more. The time it takes to recover is determined by the intensity of the addiction as well as the underlying factors that contributed to it.

Outpatient Ecstasy Treatment

It is critical to construct a long-term treatment strategy following rehab. Individual and group counseling and support groups can give long-term assistance in overcoming an addiction. Outpatient treatment options are also availableβ€”instead of a rehab facility, patients can just take their treatment from home.

In addition, many types of addictions have been demonstrated to respond well to social reinforcement. Healthy connections and a robust support network will aid a person in pursuing recovery.

Stages Of Ecstasy Addiction Treatment In Vipvorobjev Clinic

Recognizing that you need medical help for your addiction and persuading someone else that they need professional help to recover properly can be difficult. We strive to remove such anxieties at VipVorobjev by offering a free first evaluation with a certified addictions therapist who can discreetly discuss the issues you're facing.

Diagnosis Of Ecstasy Addiction

After the initial evaluation, the diagnosis is made. You'll be given specific treatment options for ecstasy addiction based on your circumstances once you've addressed your addiction and decided what you want to achieve throughout your addiction therapy.

Ecstasy Detoxification Treatment

Any difficulties that arise during a medically supervised detox will be handled swiftly and appropriately. Doctors will monitor the patient's body temperature, increases/decreases in heart rate, hydration levels, reflexes, or changes in pupil response during the detox process.

Average Length of Ecstasy Treatment

Typically, our ecstasy addiction treatment facility offers 90-day inpatient programs, although they can be extended if necessary. Outpatient therapy is more informal and can last three to six months, but severe addiction is a lifelong fight.

Effectiveness Of Treatment For Ecstasy Addiction

While our ecstasy addiction treatment technique has been proven over time, it takes a lifetime to overcome addiction. Although a detox may only last a few weeks or months, the commitment to staying sober is lifelong.

Many recovering addicts have found considerable help and accountability in support groups or individual treatment.

To avoid relapse, statistics show that staying sober necessitates lifestyle modifications such as avoiding toxic influences from social ties. It's critical to form bonds with people committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Π‘ost Of Ecstasy Addiction Treatment

Health insurance usually covers ecstasy addiction treatment. The level of coverage, on the other hand, varies based on the treatment provider, health insurance plan, mental health benefits, and other factors. Most healthcare plans are obligated to address drug use and mental health concerns using the same criteria as they do medical/physical health problems, according to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.


Expertise counts in any field, so our treatment centers use qualified, professional doctors with years of experience. We have everything you need when it comes to knowledge and cutting-edge methods.

Patents and Certificates

We keep on top of emerging techniques and approaches in treating ecstasy addiction. We always gain accreditation for any treatment approach that is game-changing in this industry.


β€œGoing into the rehab centers for ecstasy with the VipVorobjev clinic was an incredible experience that changed my life. I managed to control my addiction and keep a job for more than one year.” Read more of our reviews on our website before getting started with treatment options for ecstasy addiction.

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