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In 2011, doctors across the United States wrote over 47 million prescriptions for Xanax, making it the most famous psychiatric drug in the US.
This is partly because Xanax treats a wide range of anxiety and panic disorders. The effect of depressing the central nervous system has made Xanax the drug of choice for other ailments like sleep disorders and stress.
This has provided the opportunity for individuals who are desperate for relief from their conditions and recreational users looking for an easy high to abuse Xanax.
Fortunately, Xanax addiction can be treated, and treatment can help bring individuals back from addiction to a life of happiness and good health.

What is Xanax
Xanax is one of the most popular anti-anxiety drugs in the world. Xanax is a brand name for alprazolam, a medication that helps people suffering with panic and anxiety disorders manage their symptoms.
It produces a calming effect on the brain and central nervous system. It belongs to a class of benzodiazepines, which act on the brain and nerves to produce a calming effect.
Xanax allows people who suffer from anxiety or other stress-related disorders to be able to manage daily tasks.
Xanax Analogues
Etizolam is a benzodiazepine analog drug that is technically a thieno diazepine. Drugs in this class are similar in their chemical structure to benzodiazepines and have a similar mechanism of action.
The mechanism of action for Xanax and Etizolam is also similar. Both drugs interact with the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors to increase the effect of that neurotransmitter when it binds to and activates the receptor.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, and its function is to modulate different physiological processes by slowing down the firing rates of neurons. Both Xanax and etizolam are major nervous system depressant drugs.
The Effects of Xanax Abuse
Xanax can cause unintended side effects when abused. This medication is typically prescribed as an as-needed medication rather than a maintenance medication to be taken daily. Abusing Xanax by taking it frequently can cause its side effects to worsen.
Most acute effects of Xanax abuse are mild and subside on their own. Common side effects include:
Misusing Xanax can take a heavy toll on the body. Some people do not react well to Xanax, and adverse reactions are more likely if the drug is abused.
The Mental Effect of Xanax Abuse
Many people who become dependent on Xanax have initially been prescribed the drug to help treat a mental health problem, such as anxiety or panic disorder.
One of the most significant mental health concerns for Xanax users is a rebound of these disorders once they stop taking the drug.
Rebound anxiety is common during withdrawal. It may come on rapidly, and symptoms may be even worse than before the patient started taking the medication.
In addition, some new psychological symptoms, known as the central nervous system withdrawal symptoms, may arise during the withdrawal period.
While these symptoms may be temporary, they may include insomnia or, in some rare cases, psychosis. The rebound symptoms can cause some individuals to return to the medication to relieve their symptoms and reinforce psychological dependence on the drug.
For these reasons, working with doctors or other treatment professionals is vital for people who want to discontinue their Xanax use.
The Physical Effect of Xanax Abuse
The visible signs of Xanax abuse and addition include trouble with cognition and correctly forming words. People who abuse Xanax will often sound like someone intoxicated from alcohol because of slurring.
Other common physical effects include:
Symptoms and Signs of Xanax Use
When a person begins to abuse Xanax, there will likely be noticeable changes in their behavior. Per Medical News Today, the following are some of the leading behavioral symptoms and signs of Xanax abuse:
Xanax Treatment Options
Several treatment options for overcoming Xanax problem include inpatient and outpatient programs. The most effective way to treat Xanax addiction is to develop a personalized plan to meet each personβs personal and financial needs.
People dependent on Xanax should not stop taking the drug at once. Withdrawal symptoms may be dangerous and require the support medical professionals. For this reason, medical detox is often the first step in Alprazolam addiction treatment.
Medical Treatment for Xanax Addiction
Up to 40% of people without medical treatment for Xanax withdrawal will experience grand mal seizures. Due to this and other health risks, medical detox is the safest option for Xanax withdrawal.
Detoxification is a set of strategies and medical interventions to safely and effectively allow the body to rid itself of toxins. Medical detox includes observation from medical professionals and administration of medications as needed to relieve symptoms.
There are many methods to clear Xanax safely from the body. Some of them are:
Inpatient Treatment vs.outpatient Treatment for Xanax Addiction
Learning about the differences between the inpatient and outpatient treatments, and the benefits of each can help an individual decide on the best form of Xanax addiction help.
A person seeking for inpatient treatment is expected to check into the center where they will live day and night for a certain period of time. The patient receives around-the-clock monitoring and physical and psychological care during this time.
Inpatient treatment for Xanax addiction will often include different forms of therapy, particularly behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy can help people identify their negative ways of thinking and change them for the future.
While outpatient treatment can work well as a starting point for someone who might be a mild user or someone who has not used Xanax for long.
Outpatient addiction treatment is much less structured and usually requires that participants come to the Xanax addiction treatment centers a few times a week for therapy and check-ins.
Some patients may start with inpatient treatment and, once they complete the program,can move into a lower level of care, which can be outpatient treatment.
Process and Stages of Xanax Addiction Treatment in Vip Vorobjev Clinic
Abstinence is often the goal when it comes to the treatment of Xanax addiction. This means that the patient have to discontinuing drug usage. The process involves detox and behavioral therapies.
In some situations, the care provider may consider an alternative approach, harm-reduction strategies, particularly for patients who find abstinence difficult.
Sometimes, treatments can be delivered on an outpatient basis, but in most cases treatments require a period of inpatient care in Xanax detox center near me. Patients may also need rehabilitation for alcohol or opioid addiction because Xanax addiction is usually associated with abuse of other substances
Diagnosis of Xanax Addiction
A substance use disorder is a condition with a cluster of behavioral, cognitive, and physiological symptoms leading to an individual continuing a substance use despite significant adverse emotional or health effects or problems at school, work, or home.
Like many drugs, laboratory tests can detect the presence of Xanax. This drug can be seen in saliva, hair follicles, and urine.
And while tests can detect the drug in the body, there are no blood or lab tests that can diagnose Xanax addiction. Xanax addiction diagnosis is based on whether a person meets specific diagnostic criteria.
Xanax Detoxification Treatment
Detoxing from Xanax can take a long time. Because Xanax can produce many withdrawal symptoms, abrupt cessation of Xanax dependence is not recommended. Tapering down usage is the most effective and safest way to detox from Xanax abuse and reduce withdrawal symptoms.
This process involves gradually reducing the dosage of Xanax over a period. Xanax detoxification must be done under the supervision of professional medical personnels.
Medically assisted detox is the most effective treatment for xanax addicts. Medical detox programs help keep patients comfortable while minimizing the effects of Xanax withdrawal. This is the best detox method, as doctors are always available in case withdrawal symptoms become life-threatening.
The Average Length of Xanax Treatment
There are two factors to Xanax withdrawal. The first is the acute withdrawal, which can be severe and last up to 10-14 days, though many sources say that this can last from 5 to 28 days, with symptoms peaking at 14 days.
This is more likely in a situation where the patient has been taking Xanax for a long period of time. However, because Xanax acts very fast in the human body, the 10β14-day timeline is much more accurate.
This mostly includes what is known as rebound anxiety, which can occur in as little as 6-8 hours after the last dose and tends to peak after a couple of days.
When people take Xanax to help them deal with anxiety and then stop intake, intense anxiety is experienced which is often worse than it was before the medication started. This can last for weeks or even months and often needs to be treated with another type of medication.
Effectiveness of Treatment for Xanax Addiction
Xanax detoxification and withdrawal are critical steps on the road to recovery. The process can be dangerous without proper guidance, so medical supervision is crucial to a personβs safety during this time.
Vip Vorobjev clinic typically provides additional care that family and friends cannot offer. However, the recovery process does not end at detoxification and withdrawal; these steps are only the beginning.
Sobriety requires a new set of skills that the Vip Vorobjev clinic can help provide. These skills are gained through individual and family counseling, support group meetings, group therapy, and other forms of treatment. This skill development can help people remain sober and maintain a drug-free life in recovery.
Cost of Xanax Addiction Treatment
The cost of rehab for Xanax addiction depends on the severity of an individual case, and may vary significantly on the kind of Xanax rehabilitation centers.
Xanax addiction treatments are expensive but beneficial. Recovery from Xanax abuse will only likely to be successful under supervised care programs; many families and friends have spent thousands of dollars to seek this vital help for their loved ones.
The cost for Xanax treatment and recovery programs varies greatly β so it is best to contact our medical advisors to get more information about the costs for your specific case.
At the Vip Vorobjev clinic, we provide intense and individualized counseling, group therapy sessions, and so on. We will figure out what stage of addiction you or your loved one is in to determine what type of treatments that will work best for your situation.
Vip Vorobjev clinic has trained and experienced medical professionals and drug specialists. We cater to patients suffering from various addiction problems.
Our medical experts analyze the case in detail, create individual recovery plans and offer the best services to provide exceptional treatment.
Patents and Certificates
We follow the most successful substance abuse treatment tactics, methods, and plans to help patients recover. We have certifications for the therapeutic option to help bring changes to their lives.
I had a great experience at the Vip Vorobjev clinic. They offer a variety of different therapies and care about their patients. The accommodations and staff are lovely. I have been to several other rehabs, and this was far better than the others.
This rehab is the best and has been the most effective. Iβve learned so much here, and I know my sobriety will be a great success.