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Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) Addiction Treatment and Rehab Center

Chlordiazepoxide, trade name Librium, is the prototype of benzodiazepines found on the market as a painkiller/tranquilizer. Chlordiazepoxide is linked to dependency by the user, as per observation.


What is Chlordiazepoxid

Chlordiazepoxide is the first of the benzodiazepine class of drugs to be synthesized in the mid-1950s with a noted calming effect. The sedative, tranquil properties of Chlordiazepoxide are utilized in the management of drug intoxication (alcoholism), anxiety disorder, and pre-op anxiety.

The Librium capsule manual, published by the FDA, contains prescription guidelines for the use of Librium. Other brands of chlordiazepoxide are: Libritabs, poxi, and Mitran. Some notes streets names include: sleeping pills, tranks, downers, and candy.

The United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 describes chlordiazepoxide as a schedule IV controlled drug.

Indications for Use

Chlordiazepoxide as a prescription drug is recommended for:

Librium treatment of alcohol withdrawal
Management of preoperative fear and anxiety
Remedy for anxiety disorder
Moderate levels of sedation
Low analgesic property

After an extensive review of benzodiazepines, the Commitee on the Review of Medicines concluded that the drug loses the ability to promote sleep within 3-14 days of continued use due to tolerance buildup.

Chlordiazepoxide Analogs

Drugs with a similar physical structure to chlordiazepoxide are referred to as the β€œanalog” of said drug. The use of these analogs depends on the desired effect. This table describes the best available chlordiazepoxide analogs based on their effect:

Alcohol withdrawalAnxiety Management

The Effects of Chlordiazepoxide Abuse

The oral intake of Librium blocks brain signals and decreases activities of the nerve cells. This mechanism can cause severe dependence on the drug. Chlordiazepoxide intake can also be done by crushing and snorting. Effects can be described as either short (2-4 weeks of abuse) or long (over 4 weeks of abuse) term.

Short-terms Effects:

Emotional instability, confused state, anger and excitement
Muscular impairment, weakness, spasms, slow reflexes
Mental instability, hallucinations, memory loss, mood swing
Decreased heart rate

Long-terms Effects:

Jaundice, liver damage, edema
Dependency and overdose
Decreased appetite
Psychosis/suicidal tendency

Symptoms and Signs of Chlordiazepoxide Use

When an individual shows visible signs of abuse, helping them recover becomes an important priority.

Physical Symptoms

The brain adapts to the presence of Chlordiazepoxide which leads to drug dependency; signs including dry mouth and constipation may arise. Withdrawal symptoms will likely set in if Librium is not taken. Combining the drug with other drugs (polydrug abuse) to get synergic action.(this previous sentence is a little confusing, consider removing or clarifying which drug) Chlordiazepoxide overdose occurs because of heightened drug tolerance.

Psychological Symptoms:

Hostility, depression, and/or suicidal thoughts
Impaired memory and poor judgment
Appetite loss

Behavioral Symptoms:

Poor academic performance
Loss of job and friends
Divorce and child neglect

Chlordiazepoxide Treatment Options

Recovery from Chlordiazepoxide dependency is possible.

Medical Treatment for Chlordiazepoxide Addiction

The severe dependency caused by Librum is a cause for concern during rehabilitation. The good news is that complete recovery is possible. A multidimensional approach involving personalization treatment, group therapy, counseling, and medication assistance is employed in Librium addiction treatment.

Inpatient Treatment vs. Outpatient Treatment for Chlordiazepoxide Addiction

During inpatient treatment, the drug-dependent person is admitted into our rehabilitation facility. We provide daily assistance along with complete expert medical supervision. Withdrawal symptoms are closely observed and addressed. While in outpatient treatment, the drug-dependent person does not stay in the rehabilitation facility, but will periodically visit. Outpatient treatment is recommended when there is little to moderate involvement in Librium.

Process and Stages of Chlordiazepoxide Addiction Treatment in VipVorobjev Clinic

Recovery from Chlordiazepoxide dependency is possible.

1. Treatment initiation stage:This is the approach to a rehabilitation center for professional assistance to resolve drug abuse problems, either by the drug-dependent person, or by concerned family members.
2. Maintenance stage:This is the stage of detoxification with the tapering technique (a gradual reduction of the dosage of Librium to enable complete discontinuation) and the use of multidisciplinary experts to help the drug user overcome addiction.
3. Advance recovery:The goal of this stage is to attain a Librium-free life by acquiring the necessary coping skills (responsibility, Librium rejection, conversation, and capability to be emotional intelligence) to prevent relapse to drug abuse.

Diagnosis of Chlordiazepoxide Addiction

Assessing the level of Chlordiazepoxide dependency is a critical step in the treatment of abuse. Available tests are as follows:

A survey about the reasons for taking the drug and the timing of the abuse.
Blood, urine, saliva or hair follicle test: The drug may be detected from 48 hours - 90 days from the last use.
Psychological test: The chlordiazepoxide lowers the activity of the central nervous system. The cognitive effect of Librium can be determined using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.

Chlordiazepoxide Detoxification Treatment

Librium withdrawal treatment is a weaning process to enable recovery from drug hooks. Detoxification should be carefully monitored by a medical expert. A sudden and complete drop in the use of Librium can have fatal consequences. Detoxifiation includes a process known as β€œtapering off”. Tapering off is the gradual reduction in the dose of medication to enable discontinuation. Librium is gradually reduced until there is no longer a need for use. This process minimizes withdrawal effects and allows the body to adjust to the weaning process. This method is recommended by medical professions as there are no β€œquick fix” methods. The different forms of tapering are:

Dry tapering: The Chlordiazepoxide tablet is divided into smaller doses and weighed using a scale before administration.
Micro tapering: Small doses of Librium are distributed throughout the day and decrease over time.

An effective detoxification program ensures safe and comfortable discontinued use of Librium. Further treatment options like aftercare and follow-up should be given to the patient as detoxification does not provide a total cure.

The Average Length of Chlordiazepoxide Treatment

The length of Chlordiazepoxide treatment includes many factors such as age, genetic makeup, body mass index (BMI), existing health conditions, duration of abuse, and the dose of abuse.. Length of stay should be tailored to each individual.

Effectiveness of Treatment for Chlordiazepoxide Addiction

Librium drug treatment is designed to assist drug users in getting rid of drugs and reclaiming their lives; results have shown this is possible. Successful recovery is an indication that Librium overdose treatment is effective. Relapse prevention programs are put in place to further assist the drug users during long-term Librum treatment.

Cost of Chlordiazepoxide Addiction Treatment

Cost varies from 2,700 €.


Our doctors have successful experience in treating addictions. The clinic employs psychiatrists, addiction specialists, resuscitators, psychologists and physical therapists to help you overcome addiction and start a new life.

Patents and Certificates

We are DAACC (Drug, Alcohol, and Addiction Counselor Certified)). Certified and registered addiction specialists will assist you in breaking the cycle of drug abuse.


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