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Midazolam Addiction and Rehab Center

Midazolam is widely accepted among physicians and patients alike. It is a hypnotic-sedative drug marked with amnestic and anxiolytic properties. Midazolam claims to help calm the brain. Please read the following to learn everything you can about Midazolam and how to beat the addiction.

Midazolam ampoules

What is Midazolam

Midazolam is among the 35 benzodiazepines currently utilized medically. Midazolam was invented in 1975 but came into actual medical use in 1982. The primary properties of Midazolam include anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, anxiolytic, sedative, amnesic and hypnotic.

Indications of Usage

Premedication in surgery
Short-term management of the insomnia
Renal impairment
Induction of anesthesia
Sedation in a critical care
Preoperative sedation

Midazolam is made with a high tolerance rate; dosage can be increased to maintain the therapeutic effect.

Midazolam Analogs

Triazolam is the common analog of Midazolam. Other drugs include Ativan, Lorazepam, Nimbex, Cisatracurium, and Diazepam Intensol.

The Effects of Midazolam Abuse

Midazolam contains the risk of addiction and abuse; however, the effects may vary depending on the individual. Long–term effects may need immediate medical attention.

Short-Term Effects

Signs of short-term effects will vary depending on the individual. Short-term symptoms can include the following:

Rough and dry mouth
Vomiting, drowsiness, nausea

Long-term Effects

Weakness and grogginess
Memory loss
Lack of coordination

Symptoms and Signs of Midazolam Use

Prolonged abuse of Midazolam can lead to uncomfortable signs and symptoms. At this point, you are recommended to seek immediate medical help. These are some of the physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms:

Physical Symptoms

Speech disorders
Lack of self-defense
Lack of coordination

Psychological Symptoms

Mood swings
Losing control, geting hurt, and feeling hopeless
Decreased anxiety

Behavioral Symptoms

Withdraw from friends and family
Becoming secretive
Engaging in risky activities

Drug addiction is like any other disease which can affect a person's behavior and brain. The addiction should be treated by a professional therapist. The good news is that it is treatable.

Midazolam Addiction Treatment Options

Midazolam treatment is available for addicted people and those who abuse the medicine. Midazolam addiction is the primary reason individuals enter treatment programs.

Medical Treatment for the Midazolam Addiction

Midazolam addiction is treatable with proper health plans and support. Here are some methods in order to fight the addiction:


The antidote is an agent which prevents the effects of a toxin or poison. It works by preventing the absorption of toxins, thus neutralizing and binding the poison. The antidote is effective to reverse the Midazolam effects.


A sudden stop from using Midazolam may lead to undesirable withdrawal signs and symptoms. Detoxification is the process that accelerates and converts dangerous chemicals in the body into non-toxic chemicals.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Treatment for Midazolam Addition

Inpatient Treatment

We offer structured treatment programs in inpatient rehabilitation. During these sessions, patients are required to live in a substance-free facility to receive 24/7 medical care, along with therapeutic support. This treatment program is great for patients battling chronic Midazolam addiction.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient programs involve many inpatient therapies & treatments; however, outpatient allows patients to reside in their homes during the whole recovery process. This treatment is suitable for patients with mild effects of drug addiction by using a disciplined, committed approach to recovery.

Process and Stages of Midazolam Addiction Treatment in VipVorobjev Clinic

VipVobjev Clinic offers a complete rehabilitation process for patients who are struggling with drug addictions. Our clinic is made of licensed medical specialists who can help you beat any kind of addiction. Please continue reading to learn more about our program.

Diagnosis of Midazolam Addiction

The process for a new patient at our clinic is as follows:

The intake process involves our professionals gathering information from the patient. For instance, you may be asked about your health history and possibly be required to go through an essential medical examination.
Assessment and Screening. We use an advanced drug abuse screen test to figure out drug addiction and abuse have affected the patient.
Evaluation. The clinician will need to gather information regarding the patient history of the verse abuse. For example, you might discuss the signs and symptoms of verse addiction to understand how you are feeling.
Developing the Treatment Plan. After the complete evaluation, the next step is developing the best treatment plan for you. The treatment states long-term goals & shorter-term objectives. We have experts who will effectively guide you on treatment.

Midazolam Detoxification Treatment

We recommend a detoxification process to safely help the patient withdraw from the Midazolam drug until the substances, signs, and symptoms are no longer present. Detoxification is combined with prescribed medication, depending on how the drug has affected your system.

Inpatient Treatment

Our experts supervise the patients with 24-hour access to the nurses. The patients will receive counseling and medication services, along with therapy groups provided in the Vipvorovjev clinic. This is a great treatment for patients who are not in advanced addiction of verse; however, they still need intensive treatment.


Aftercare includes personal and group counseling with access to medical services and medications.

The Average Length of Midazolam Treatment

The recovery journey depends on how verse has affected a specific patient's physiological, emotional, and psychological aspects of the addiction. The duration may be between 3 weeks to 12 months.

Effectiveness of Treatment for Midazolam Addiction

This treatment program will vary based on the individual's needs and the severity of Midazolam drug addiction. Mild addiction can be fought with an outpatient program; however, chronic addiction can only be dealt with programs such as:

Inpatient treatment
Aftercare program

The cost of Midazolam Addiction Treatment

Two primary factors will determine Midazolam drug addiction treatment cost: the treatment program and the rehab facility. The cost will range from 2,700 €.


Addiction is not discrimination. No matter the level of addiction you are combating, you have a choice to take the necessary steps towards recovery. Meet our experts who will guide you:

Nikola Seric β€” General Medicine
Ana Vlacic β€” Technical Director
Irina Petkovic β€” Occupational Therapist
Igor Skoruta β€” Reanimatologist and Anesthesiologist
Milos Pejovic β€” Occupational Therapist
Gennady Govuruhin β€” Pyschiatrist
Gordana Bujisic β€” Psychiatrist

Patents and Certificates

We are DAACC (Drug, Alcohol, and aAddiction Counselor Certified). Our certified and registered addiction specialists will assist you in breaking the cycle of drug abuse.

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