Information from 07:30h to 15:30h Monday – Sunday from 00h to 24h

Luxury addictive disorders treatment clinic and rehabilitation center

Top experts at our well-furnished and modern hospital,
will help you and your family find a path to a healthier way of living.

Treating addiction

VIP Dr Vorobjev, a clinic for the treatment of addiction disorders (drugs, gambling, alcoholism …) has been successfully dealing with this problem unfortunately spreading in all social strata for more than 20 years.

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Psychological disorders

The frequency of psychological disorders (depression, anxiety, neurosis, psychosis …) in today’s society is high and significantly affects the quality of life of a man but also his family.

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Complete rehabilitation

Rehabilitation at our clinic helps our patients recover in a superb environment through an intensive personalized program that combines medical treatment and psychotherapy.

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VIP Dr Vorobjev - About us

Addictive disorders and psychological disorders ruin man’s life to such an extent that the patient needs as many as several months to successfully get his life back on track. That is why the clinic for addictive and psychological disorders VIP Dr Vorobjev built a representative facility in which, besides being treated for addictive disorders, patients can be rehabilitated and start a new and healthier life with different views.

In addition to the Serbian and Russian doctors, VIP Dr Vorobjev Clinic also boasts top-level renowned experts. Our team includes psychiatrists, neurologists, addictologists, intensive care physicians, hepatologists.


Patient testimonials

Reviews from patients speak for themselves - they note the attentive attitude towards each client, the professionalism of specialists and favorable treatment results.

Klinika je za svaku preporuku, osoblje je profesionalno i zaista uz njihovu pomoc sam uspeo da ponovo zivim kvalitetno svaki svoj naredni dan u zivotu.
Satro Lasteo
Satro Lasteo
Srdjan Rakovic
Srdjan Rakovic
Miroslav Tomic
Miroslav Tomic
Jedan period mog zivota je bio tezak. Borila sam se sa samom sobom i alkoholom. U moru privatnih klinika odlucila sam se za kliniku Vorobjev, i nisam pogresila. Uz njihove metode i pravu profesionalnu pomoc ja sam ona ista ako ne i bolja i kvalitetnija osoba, spremna na zivotne izazove bez straha od ishoda. Predivni doktori i psiholozi ce vam pomoci da resite svaku dilemu koja se u kriznim situacijama pojavi u vasoj glavi. Posebno bih istakla doktora Genadija koji ce svojom strucnoscu prepisati adekvatnu terapiju( jer tu ne sme da se pogresi) psihologa Minu Petrov koja je velika podrska u lecenju. Naravno kompletno osoblje koje je na zavidnom nivou. Dala sam im poverenje, vratili su mi osmeh i zivot nazad. Malo je reci hvala❤️
Nada Rakovic
Nada Rakovic
Dalibor Vasic
Dalibor Vasic
Sve preporuke, kolektiv odličan.
Nikola Nesovic
Nikola Nesovic
Milos Petrov
Milos Petrov
Naim Cerimi
Naim Cerimi
Psiholozi Vip
Psiholozi Vip
Mirco Maffei
Mirco Maffei
Mina Petrov
Mina Petrov
Sandra Božić
Sandra Božić
Nebojsa Nesovic
Nebojsa Nesovic
Milos Plecas
Milos Plecas
stefan vlacic
stefan vlacic
Perfetto sotto ogni punto di vista
Danilo Zappino
Danilo Zappino
I am writing at the request of my brother. Four months ago he got the drug addiction treatment at Vip Vorobjev’s clinic. Treatment was difficult at first. A lot of work had to be done with psychologists. But later he realized that only his health and further life depended on him.
Miranda (SLM)
Miranda (SLM)
I could not get rid of my addiction for 5 years. To be honest, I just didn’t trust anyone. I couldn’t believe that anyone could help me in my trouble. The clinic really helped me.
Justina Stokes
Justina Stokes
Nel momento più difficile per me, il personale di questa clinica ha dimostrato una vera professionalità nella terapia ed è stato in grado di permettermi di continuare la mia vita libera dalla dipendenza.Voglio ringraziare di cuore tutti coloro che mi hanno aiutato nel mio momento di crisi e che hanno reso possibile un vero e proprio miracolo!
Carolina Irma
Carolina Irma
Želim da podelim moja iskustva o klinici. Moja ćerka se borila sa zavisnošću 8 godina. Nakon što je završila lečenje i kompletne terapije, ona sada pravi i planove za budućnost. Jako sam srećna zbog toga!
Vukota Mandic
Vukota Mandic
Google Rank
Truspilot Rank

Meet the Specialist Team

Gennady Govoruhin
Igor Skoruta
Zoran Crnjin

VIP Dr Vorobjev - Our Clinic

Addictive disorders and psychological disorders treatment clinic VIP Vorobjev is located in a luxurious and modernly equipped facility that provides you with all the necessary comfort during the treatment process.

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Procedure room
VIP Vorobjev Clinic has a procedure room equipped with modern devices for ultrasound examination, ECG, EEG, inhalers, oxygen therapy, ultraviolet and laser blood irradiation.
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Psychotherapy room
Psychotherapy plays an important role in patients undergoing addictive disorder treatments. That is why VIP Vorobjev Clinic has a special psychological room where our psychiatrists and psychologists talk to patients and point them to the right path of recovery after therapy.
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Luxury and spacious rooms
Rooms at VIP Vorobev Clinic are designed to give you full comfort and privacy. All rooms have free Wi-Fi, cable TV, fridge.
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Clinic gym
The gym within VIP Vorobjev Clinic is intended for our patients since it has long been known that sports contribute to strengthening the body but also the mind. In addition to providing detox programs and psychological therapies, we strive to make our patients physically stronger and more ready for a new beginning.

Detox procedures at our clinic

Ultra-rapid detoxification
Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification (UROD) is a modern and highly effective method of drug detoxification. Currently, its popularity in the world is growing due to its high efficiency but also the high rate of relapse problems associated with more traditional detoxification methods.
Regenerative procedures
Plasmapheresis or extracorporeal detoxification method, Oxyven, Blood detoxification and Magnetic field are some of the most productive modern methods when it comes to quitting psychoactive substances and give fantastic results in the treatment of our patients.
We are at your disposal for any additional information you need about the program of detoxification, treatment, rehabilitation, accommodation or transport to our clinic.
Call us and get specific information:


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